What to Expect During Your Visit
Have you been struggling with any of the conditions listed in the Conditions We Help section? Do you experience any of the symptoms listed there? Be sure to tell Dr. Stauceanu in detail all about it. In turn, he will take all the necessary time to compassionately and attentively listen to all you have to say in regards to your health. compassionately and attentively listen to all the facts and concerns you might have.
Guided by the information he gained about your individual needs from the Comprehensive Initial Patient Intake Form and the health history interview, Dr. Stauceanu will want to do a thorough physical examination by selecting a wide combination of neurologic, orthopedic, and chiropractic tests geared towards eliciting your symptoms in physical form.
Next, depending on how severe your symptoms and the length of time you have been experiencing your health issues, Dr. Stauceanu will either select a computerized hair analysis via the Cell Wellbeing S-Drive or he will order a series of laboratory tests in order to assess your health at cellular level and get to the root of your problem.
The Cell Wellbeing hair analysis will generate a 30+ page report showing the many ways the environment is possibly altering your gene expression and affecting your overall wellbeing. The report findings will be discussed with you during the second visit after Dr. Stauceanu has had a chance to review it and put together a plan for prevention and needed changes during your journey to True Health.
Laboratory test results may take several days to be processed. These will provide an in-depth picture of what is going on in your body and point to the root of the problem. Dr. Stauceanu will assess the results, formulate a possible diagnosis, and design an individualized treatment plan that will work best for you.
If any radiological imaging is needed you will be referred to a nearby radiology center. You may also be referred out to a specialist if a second opinion is necessary.
In most cases, Dr. Stauceanu will give you advice on lifestyle changes you need to implement in order for the rest of the treatment to be successful.
Your treatment plan will more than likely include your individual dietary changes, supplements if needed for a short time, light to vigorous exercise depending on your fitness level and preference, proper mental and physical rest, chiropractic treatment, massage, and other physiotherapeutic modalities.
Before the end of the second visit, you will have a chance to ask questions, become familiar with the plan of action and verbalize your commitment to it to ensure the success of your journey towards attaining and living your own True Health Life.
One thing you will definitely not experience at 4TrueHealth Functional Center is a repeated cookie cutter approach to your healing process. We have total respect and compassion for who you are and what you’re going through. The scope of our practice is to teach you and help you live an optimal, healthy, and purposeful life for as long as you were destined to live.
Dr. Stauceanu was heard saying many times that he does not play God! He sees himself as only a tool of healing in God’s healing hands. He cannot increase your life span – but he can help you increase the span of your True Health. And we take this pretty seriously here!