All cells go through wear and tear and are programmed to eventually die. Cells are capable of degrading cellular contents that are no longer functioning properly. They can recycle them into nutrients and building blocks to refresh and renew themselves for optimal function.

This self-eating capability of the cell was coined as autophagy, from the Greek words auto (self) and phagein (to eat).

The process of autophagy is controlled and balanced by gene proteins and protein complexes such as AMPK and mTOR. The AMPK pathway activates autophagy and plays a crucial role in cellular energy balance while the mTOR pathway deactivates autophagy by promoting cellular rebuilding and fat burning.

A chronic mTOR elevation, however, may increase the risk of chronic disease and even cancer. Impaired autophagy and mutations in the autophagy genes have been linked to many disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurodegenerative diseases, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer.

Natural polyphenols such as resveratrol, quercetin, curcumin, berberine, oregano, green tea, Earl Gray tea, and coffee are capable of deactivating the mTOR pathway. They induce autophagy, improve cellular metabolism, insulin resistance, promote weight loss, a leaner body composition, and provide a protective effect against certain viruses. After an infection, autophagy responds by engulfing and eliminating the invading pathogens.

Multiple studies reveal that consumption of both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee along with proper water intake is associated with a reduction of heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, and infections. These polyphenols also appear to have a protective effect against several forms of cancer.

Daily intermittent fasting, or time restricted eating can be an inexpensive and sure way to induce autophagy, especially after 13 hours of no caloric intake. This is accomplished by restricting the eating window to 6 to 8 hours per day.

Each person can choose to do this several times a week, or every day of the week, depending on each individual’s condition, need, and desire. More advanced individuals may add a 24-hour caloric restriction per week in addition to the aforementioned time restricted eating habits.

Exercise, especially when done while fasting, was also found to activate autophagy in muscle, liver, pancreas and adipose tissue; it can stimulate fat burning, improve mood, and mental focus.

Along with recycling dysfunctional cell contents, the body needs to rebuild new and optimally functioning cells by stimulating the mTOR pathway. This is accomplished by alternating fasting with feasting. During eating time, eat until full and no longer hungry. This provides a balance between cleaning up old cells and building new and refreshed cells.

Metabolic pathways such as autophagy synchronize with the sleep/wake cycle of the body. The liver, adipose tissue (fat), and skeletal muscle are considered metabolic tissues that are bound by this sleep/wake cycle also known as diurnal rhythm. Variations and changes in metabolic rhythm are associated with an increased risk for sleep disorders, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune arthritis, and cancer.

Good sleep habits provide an optimum environment where autophagy can synchronize with the circadian rhythm of the body. To ensure a good night sleep, start by getting enough sun exposure during the day. Avoid eating within three hours from going to sleep. Last cup of coffee should be about 8 hours before going to sleep. The room should be as dark as possible and the temperature should be kept cool.

It was recently discovered that autophagy can promote memory formation in the hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in learning and memory, and improves the synaptic plasticity of the aging brain.

In conclusion:

  1. Autophagy is the body’s ability to recycle and regenerate old, improperly functioning cells.
  2. Time restricted eating, light exercise, proper hydration, good sleep habits, along with consumption of foods and drinks containing polyphenols, promote the process of autophagy.
  3. Autophagy promotes optimal immune response, and optimal overall metabolic function.
  4. The result is a stronger, more resilient body and mind capable of functioning at the optimal and individual level it was created to do.



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