Cell Wellbeing

As a precursor to laboratory testing or, in many cases, used as a less expensive and faster alternative to these tests, Cell Wellbeing hair analysis is a state of the art scientific and powerful game changer in our quest for the root of your problem.
The environment that encompasses our individual lives on a daily basis with its ubiquitous toxic pollution, our modern lifestyle and emotional state, along with the foods we eat, is now known to directly affect how our genetic material, our DNA, expresses itself and influences our wellbeing, our True Health or, in many cases, our lack of it.
Based in Hamburg, Germany, Cell Wellbeing uses a powerful scientific algorithm to analyze data from several strands of hair with the help of a small device called the S-Drive machine. The hairs are known to store metabolic and nutritional information from our body. Encrypted data is sent to Hamburg, Germany where it is processed and returned within 15 minutes in the form of a 30 plus page report presenting possible nutritional and other functional stressors affecting our overall wellbeing. Suggestions for the optimization of our True Health are presented in a comprehensive but easy to understand format.
Dr. Stauceanu uses the comprehensive Cell Wellbeing report to more closely guide you on your journey towards True Health.
The S-Drive is intended as a wellness device, and it is not designed to diagnose, detect or cure any illness while being in full compliance with FDA guidance 1300013 (UCM429674).
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